Monday, September 13, 2010

The most fun you'll have with a viral ad...

1 comment:

Alison Marshall said...

I really liked this commercial because it was interactive. Although if I hadn't seen it in class, I may not have ever come across it. It really can only be used on the web, because we wouldn't be able to type in an action for the person to do if it was on TV. Also, since there is swearing, it wouldn't be suitable for younger kids, who might really enjoy this interactive type of advertising. Lastly, it's hard to remember what the advertisement is for. It takes place in the woods, which would make one think that it is for hunting gear, or possibly animal rights. However, it is for roll on white out, which is only shown once throughout the whole ad. Though it is placed on the sidebar, no one is looking there because everyone is too busy interacting with the ad. Though it is a cool idea to have an interactive ad, there are many flaws that come with it.